
Paging John the Baptist

Bad bad bad. I know, I have been MIA since, like, forever. Mea cupla. In my humble defense, I have been using every iota of willpower not to go crazy and have a what-the-hella worthy meltdown of my own. Because, you know, I do have a day job too.

But enough about that. What have I missed? Sarah Palin! Stock market crashes! A war between Russia & Georgia that the Western media covered in the most laughable fashion ever! Oh right, we don't come here to read about important things! We want our daily dose of stupidity!

No, no, I said this was not a political blog, so scratch that last....

How about this story, courtesy of no less an august body than the National Terror Alert Response Center?!? I know firsthand how scary buses can be (let's put it delicately....as a 14-year-old I took a cross-country trip on one to visit a boyfriend, a trip not exactly vetted by the parental units....) but this takes things to new extremes. I would like to know what these two men were arguing about that caused the situation to spiral down into....decapitation. I would also like to know whether malt liquor was involved.

Apparently not, according to reports of the incident:

"One moment, the quiet man near the back of the bus was minding his own business. The man hadn’t talked to anyone around him, and seemed to pay no attention to the younger fellow sitting next to him, who was listening to music on headphones The next moment, witnesses said, the older man stood up, still quiet, and repeatedly stabbed, then beheaded his younger victim."

Ooooo-kay. I too get pissed when talking to someone who refuses to tune out their I-Pod for a second, but...? The story gets even more absurd, culminating in the severed head being presented calmly by the "robot" murderer to the aghast bus passengers, much like a cat presents a dead bird or mouse to its disgusted owners.

You know, upon further reflection and after a really long Monday at the office, this story and its gory denounment isn't sounding so weird after all. Time for some self-medication...but I promise I'll be back, hopefully sans heads on a platter!