
The sweet smell of hypocrisy

You'd think that a literary journal touting itself as the nation's leading poetry magazine would invest in some proofreaders, particularly when urging potential submitters to prepare their work carefully.

You would be very, very wrong. To wit: check the last line in the first paragraph under "how soon can I expect to hear...?" below.

I would love to have a timely response "insured". What, precisely, would be paid to me if a timely result was not delivered? Hmmmmm the legal possibilities are fascinating, truly.


? said...

I'm guessing you are russian. I love russia! I love the smell of hypocrisy, seems it rules yet again. I'm reading a book by one of your favourite authors, Mikhail Bulgakov, did you enjoy him?

btw: I would like to visit again.

Zhenya said...

i do love bulgakov - master & margarita is one of my all-time favourite books EVER!

Rick said...

While you are at it, it should be "four poems or fewer" not "less."