
To catch a predator

OMG. There's irony and then there's.....this. Today's reigning fucktard deserves WTH excoriation for the following act of idiocy: 33 year old Daniel Allen Everett of Clarkston, Michigan solicited a 14 year old girl for sex on the internet. That's creepy and wrong and, in itself, deserving of public shaming (although sadly such things happen too frequently to merit daily WTH shout-outs).

What really takes this debacle to the next level of fucked up is his choice of attire for the illicit rendezvous: a t-shirt bearing the words "World's Greatest Dad." The court is still trying to determine as of press time whether or not this scumbag has kids. I pray to the gods I don't believe in that he doesn't, but honestly....I wouldn't be surprised. Disgusted, but not one whit surprised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Clarkston is where my brother lives! And no... that's not him. haha!