
It ain't what ya do ....

I don't think I even need to explain this., which was brought to my attention elsewhere and is too good not to highlight here. It's both funny and self-evidently what the hella fodder. I know my fellow equestrians will get why this is so bad, but my inkling is that even those of you WTH fans who have never so much as sat on a carousel horse - let alone ridden in jumpers shows - can see that this is not the way good riding looks. Also, extra points for the music.

More later. I may have a WTH moment to share with the greater world this afternoon, Christ knows.


Anonymous said...

i finally understand the origin of the term "western roll" for a now outdated high jump technique. fabulous:)

Anonymous said...

I was seriously yelling at the monitor, "release his mouth for chrissake!!!" [sic] It's like all the "trainers" just stopped teaching how to release over a fence. wth??