
But will he govern from his coffin?

Ah, Romania - land of attractive male gymnasts and the undead. Or sort of dead, if you look at things the way residents of a small Romanian village seem to see electoral politics. Apparently unsatisfied with the competition, townsfolk elected a dead man - intentionally - in this year's local mayoral contest.

Neculai Ivascu, mayor of more than two decades, died of liver disease during this year's electoral contest. Town members were made aware of this unfortunate circumstance...and proceeded to vote for him anyway. (This reflects really well on opposition candidate Gheorghe Dobrescu, lemme tell ya!) One such voter explains their logic thus: "I know he died, but I don't want change."

Wow....change we can't believe in, apparently! The legacy of Ceausescu's politics is alive and well.....er.....even today.


Anonymous said...

In other news, the Romanian soccer team just lost to the Dutch in the Euro cup. Think they'll call up a horde of vampire bats to enact some revenge?

Zhenya said...

yeah, i know......sucks. if russia loses, i was hoping romania would pull off a sweet tourney upset. oh well. all my hopes now are with arshavin and the ohsosexy roma pavluchenko.