
In a New York minute...you can get herpes, too!

You know, I've never been in love with New York City. It's a little too trendy, a little too faux hipster, a little too hectic and conspicuous and déclassé for my tastes. And now I have an even better reason not to want to visit - STDs!

The sad truth is, a recent medical survey reveals this stunning fact: one in four New Yorkers has genital herpes. Pause and reflect. One in four. That pretty much guarantees that at least one stockbroker in your daily latte line has herpes, the gift that keeps on giving. I fear for the Sex & the City gals....memo to Carrie: genital lesions clash with your Manolos! In fact, given the stats, one of those four fab females is carrying something a little extra - and I don't mean the newest lip gloss. Seriously. I know they say the dating scene in NYC is fierce, but this is ridic!

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