
The serpent me beguiled and I did eat...this watermelon

Forgive the hiatus - I was enjoying the sunshine in lovely Charleston, SC. Incredible architecture, gorgeous ocean views, fascinating history, and great food - which brings me to today's topic. I like gourmet foods as much as the next snob, trust me. Truffles, caviar, champagne, a really nice Rothschild red....bring it on. But one has to draw the line somewhere, and here's where I draw mine.

In Tokyo, a watermelon was just auctioned for.....wait for it......$6,100. Said watermelon was not, you know, gold plated or filled with rubies. It's a watermelon...and nothing more. If you're waiting for the punch line, there isn't one - except, of course, that some individual actually shelled out more than six thousand smackeroos for a watermelon that probably won't even taste ripe in a week or so. Talk about diminishing returns!! And this follows a purchase last month of two cantaloupes for $23,500. ??!?!? Please, exotic produce purchasers - if you really don't have anything better to do with your cash, let me give you my phone number. I'm sure I can come up with a suitable wishlist - upon which, I guarantee, no watermelon will appear.

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