
A cautionary tale from the spelling Nazis

I am by no means a great speller. This flaw was brought into crystalline focus in high school, to my embarrassment and the amusement of others. We had to do some sort of classroom activity that involved writing three adjectives that described ourselves on the whiteboard. One of the three words I chose was, unfortunately, intelligent. Even more unfortunately, I spelled it i-n-t-e-l-l-e-g-e-n-t. Oops. Luckily my sense of irony (and lack of shame) was more well-developed than my sense of spelling.

I work in the writing profession nowadays, though, so I am keenly aware of the importance of spelling. The ironclad rule is always - spellcheck, read through, and send to a proofer. For some odd reason, I seem to be uncannily able to identify misspelled words, even if I can't always spell them properly on my own. This serves me well, though, and also makes for some amusing moments.

Case in point: if you're a national news outlet, you'd think a crew of editors, proofreaders, etc. would be employed to ensure your news releases are grammatically correct and, at bare minimum, properly spelled. But as today's WTH moment illustrates - no such luck. I was perusing the news on Yahoo! a few days ago, and came to this picture and its caption. The caption struck me as odd, and the more I looked at it, the more certain I became that the opening sentence contained - what else? - a typo.

Oops. Kiddies, I remember this one from grade school. The plural of moose is moose....the plural of deer is deer.....the plural of wolf is wolves. Not "wolfs" as in "wolfs down this amusing spelling error with glee".


Arabians and Other ALiens said...

Should I live in free of you proofreading one of my books someday?


animageofgrace said...

I love that the picture of your computer screen shows Lolcats and Fugly Horse of the Day. Those are two of my most frequented websites.

As for spelling, I have always struggled with it. I once had a teacher tell me that when you misspell something it shows that you are not knowledgeable in that area; in other words you don't know what your writing about. Ever since then I make it a point to double check my spelling.

A few weeks ago I was running a meeting for my company and had to write words that we brainstormed on the whiteboard. It only took a few seconds for me to wish the darn thing had spell check.

Zhenya said...

hahaha i hear you both. i am a wretched speller....and i have no problem with that. if i'm writing a friend a personal note, i don't go to great pains to spell everything right. i have no inherent problem with bad spellers ... in fact, i would go so far as to suggest that perhaps we are the more *creative* types. ;)

HOWEVER ..... if one is writing something for the news (ahem, Yahoo), or a client, or to impress someone .... spell check and a basic grasp of how things ought to look on the page is key.

hahaha animage - you can clearly see what i spend my spare time doing!!!