
Three little words

OK, usually I try to avoid the realm of the overtly political on WTH, because I respect that my readers have their own views, and because God knows we already hear enough about politics in an election year.

BUT, this is too funny not to share, and whatever your political affiliation, I hope you'll appreciate the artistry. To really get the joke, you'll have to have seen the much-discussed tribute to my man Barack that's making its way across the internet and into mainstream media outlets. Sweet stuff - but that's neither here nor there for the purposes of today's snark.

No, no. Instead, I direct your attention to the enterprising individuals who decided that it wasn't fair to create such a piece of work only for a Dem, and decided to pay tribute to Mr. McCain's eloquence and political beliefs, too. The results are....well, you can see for yourself.


Anonymous said...

That is funny, and disturbing at the same time

Anonymous said...

Thank you. That's all. ;)