
Float like a butterfly, sting like a .... monk?

Easter, as far as I gather, is supposed to be a time of peace, harmony, and regeneration of the soul. (Oh yeah, and getting to enjoy meat/chocolate/booze after the Hell of Lent...) But for some Greek and Armenian monks, nothing says "let's celebrate the most sacred holiday in the Orthodox calendar" like a good old-fashioned fistfight. At Jesus' tomb, no less!

Wowza. The lion shall lie down with the lamb....and the monk shall deliver a really wicked left hook to the priest. It's like Celebrity Death Match meets The Passion of the Christ! Even better, this isn't the first time monks have started a scrape here! Honestly, though, I'm pretty sure Jesus talked about things like peace and loving thy neighbor and being a good Samaritan and all that... (Not quite sure where the whole holy war/witch -burning business came from though.) So I don't think He would approve of a down & out brawl at his tomb. The image of monks fighting, though, is pretty clutch....and beating police with palm fronds!? Um. Palm frond vs. Mace & pistols......really not good thinking, brothers. Leave the violence to people who are actually good at it.

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