
A "very" "special" blog "post"

Wonderful. I love it. And I know my fellow Grammar Nazis will, too!

Now I need to make a collection of misused apostrophes - my all-time biggest grammatical pet-peeve (well, maybe except the your/you're thing - although I suppose it's kind of the same deal - and orientate, about which I have already shared my feelings!)

Every year at Christmas, when I get a card signed: "Love, the Smith's" it makes me cringe, and my respect-o-meter drops precipitously. (Usually such dunces get crossed off the list for following seasons....hey, you definitely can have too many friends.) It is my new life's mission to STAMP OUT the use of improper apostrophes, one damned false possessive at a time.


Kirsten said...

This horse was made for YOU. I was just at a race at Keeneland last weekend and there was a full page ad in the race program for an amazing stallion - Orientate! Here is his web page! http://www.gainesway.com/stallions/listOfStallions/orientate/default.asp
Love your blog!

Zhenya said...


this is so going to be my next post!!!!