
It's not quite the Jeffersonian, but...

An alert (and like-minded) friend brought this gem to my attention, and it has me utterly tickled. We all know that one of the perks of being a president is that you get things named after you. JFK, Reagan, and Bush Sr. get airports. Lincoln gets the Memorial, Washington gets the Monument, and so forth. This begs a fascinating question - what will our soon-to-be ex president, Bush Jr., leave behind as his legacy? (Beyond, you know, 2 wars, skyrocketing national debt, and a cache of one-liner malapropisms that will live on well past his tenure in the Oval Office...) A ranch? A weapons facility? A school (I shudder at the thought!)

Good guesses, but no. Instead, the city of San Francisco currently has in development (pending a vote) another sort of memorial in store for Dubya, one that is eerily reminiscent of his legacy and "accomplishments" in office. Yes, ladies & gents, the good citizens of San-Fran are proposing renaming the Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.



Erin said...

WOW I love it!! But it is not a "what the hella"- it makes perfect sense.

Zhenya said...

oops, you got a point. i stand corrected. ;)