First, I apologize for my absence as of late. My workload (what, I don't just leisurely spend my days looking for WTH fodder?!) has been approaching critical brain explosion levels - so something's gotta give. My sanity, perhaps?
This story, though, is definitely food for WTH thought. My fellow FHOTD war demons will especially appreciate, and understand. (See Fugly Horse of the Day for more than you may have ever wanted to know on the topic of horses and horsecare.)
Getting a horse as a tip. Oh boy. I can think of ways in which this would be a good thing....if one was, oh, say, independently wealthy, had a beautiful, under-populated horse property, and had the patience and know-how to deal with a just off-the-track racehorse. A racehorse with apparent health issues who's, in the wise words of his trainer (scoff gag), "too sored up" to race anymore.
Fugly acolytes need no explanation, but I know plenty of non horsey types are WTH junkies, so let me be very clear here. Owning a horse is a gigantic responsibility. Buying it is truly the cheapest part. This waitress, who we learn in the article is "struggling to make ends meet", is a really bad candidate for ownership. Far from being a tip, this "gift" is more like passing along mortgage debt, or a disease - gifts that keep on giving! - except a horse is even more work, because it requires not just an ongoing investment in cash, but also attention, somewhere to live, hoof care, wormer, vet care, equine knowledge, specialized equipment, and, yes, companionship and affection. An off-the-track racehorse (5 years old, no less!!!) needs even more specific care, particularly one suffering from health/lameness issues. All I can say is, thank God he isn't a stallion.
So, goodbye spare time, goodbye income, goodbye peace of mind, Miz Carroll. Indeed, the waitress is 71....stop for a moment to reflect on brittle bones and the sort of health ailments one faces at such an age. I've owned an OTTB (former racehorse) before. I was fearless, 19, and an accomplished equestrian - and I still had my work cut out for me! I somehow don't see Miz Carroll riding off into the sunset on her placid mount. Maybe being run off with into the sunset...or into the nearest barn door.
So, this is just bad news all around. And who will probably end up suffering? Poor Mailman Express. I hope someone out there will look out for him, because a situation like this has "bad news" (not to mention "what the hella?") written all over it. In sum, Mr. Big Tipper sounds more like a Big Douchebag to me.
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YIKES... she has 16 cats, 3 dogs, and 2 other horses? And she's raised kids, too. What a complete nutter. What drives people to become animal collectors? I wonder if she feeds her animals the leftover grease and french fries from her diner? yum
i know, right? she totally has "hoarder" written all over her. and i love that she has all these animals (kids included, lol) and STILL is "struggling to make ends meet". here's a tip, lady .... don't buy/acquire more animals than you can afford!!! i am wondering what the odds are that her many pets are spayed/neutered. bozhe moi.
lol, exactly.
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